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Site: Get online Physics Tutorials Help in India | Physics Models
Course: Get online Physics Tutorials Help in India | Physics Models (Online)
Glossary: Testimonials
Smruti Ranjan Panday
Picture of Smruti Ranjan Panday

Smruti Ranjan Panday

by Smruti Ranjan Panday - Monday, 16 May 2016, 2:32 PM

I really enjoyed going through this site. I am not afraid of physics anymore. It has helped me in my class tests and exams. Thanks a ton for this . 

soumya choudhury
Picture of soumya choudhury

Main page illustrations

by soumya choudhury - Saturday, 17 September 2016, 7:04 PM

Visual, effective, permanently ingrained - great start to creating visual based learning a reality.