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Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Professor Dr. G. Umesh

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Friday, 9 July 2021, 5:29 PM

I have suggested a couple of changes in some of the chapters to make them better.


Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Rajib Banerjee, executive at a Multi-National company

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Friday, 6 January 2017, 11:25 AM

physicsmodels is a good initiative as Physics has been the root for many inventions. The material contents are of good quality and give sufficient insight to the topics. 


Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Rakshith. M , Govindadasa College, Surathkal, Mangalore, Karnataka

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Wednesday, 4 October 2017, 10:58 AM

Thankyou, your video on Fresnel prism helped me in my practical exam. 

Rakshith. M 


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