About Physics models

Hello reader,

This exciting learning content is brought to you by KAD24 Teknosolutions Private Limited, a startup established in 2017, having a passion for making physics attractive and not boring. The content has been carefully and meticulously designed with the help of physics teachers who understand what students need, their usual queries, and with an eye on tackling examinations too. 
KAD24 Teknosolutions (www.kad24.com) does high-end engineering consulting, as Technical Advisors to the automotive companies on advanced cutting-edge technologies such as Electric Vehicles and Automotive Design in general. 
We believe in low pricing that is affordable for middle class. Our motto is to make physics easy and accessible for self-learning on the go, anywhere, anytime, with any device. We have designed physicsmodels as a quick reference guide for students before the exams, and also for parents and tutors who may want to deploy the correct interpretations, explanations, 3D animations, 3D sketches, color images and solved problems. 
As they say, it's all about the interpretation
Last modified: Tuesday, 1 August 2023, 2:26 PM