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Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Utpal Kant

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Thursday, 29 March 2018, 2:46 PM

really thankful of u sir. By this video i am able to understand arrangment of subshell in shell

(topic: Atomic models - Valence shell and Energy levels)


Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Venkata Narasimharao Medam

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Friday, 2 July 2021, 9:54 AM

Passion and interest among young children to learn more



Picture of Kaustubhan Srivathsan

Vertex Educations Patna

by Kaustubhan Srivathsan - Monday, 19 July 2021, 10:26 AM

It's fun , innovative, nicely presented  and very useful  for students starting in classes 10th to 12th



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