Refund Policy

Returns Login and registration is free to our online e-learning website

1) We offer a "No questions Asked Refund" policy for registered users, although not a single user has asked for refund till today for the last many years.

2) We can refund 70% of course purchase value, this is eligible for purchases of Volume 1/Volume 2 or combined bundle Volume 1 and 2, provided the same is communicated to us in writing via email within 1 week or 168 hours after purchase of course as per time indicated in receipt. Refund requests received after this time will not be entertained.

3) In the meantime the registered user shall not download any content from our course such as images/videos/text descriptions/test quizzes and so on.

4) Refund communication by registered user : he/she shall send us a oneline email giving bank account details (account name, account number, and IFSC) to which the refund is to be sent by us.

5) This can be in any of the recognised banks located in India. (our email is